Credits / Thank You

We'd like to thank everyone for their support of our project but from a technical view, here is who made it possible in the first place.

Linus Torvalds Linus is the creator and originator of the Unix based Linux that powers so much of the world today.  Our project is Linux based and would of course not have been possible without Linus!
Debian Linux and the late Ian Murdock Debian Linux is a well-established Linux distro since 1993 and powers a lot of devices today.  This includes the fork, Ubuntu, of which Linux Mint is based off that allowed us to make this customized OS.
Ubuntu Linux Ubuntu is one of the most common Linux distributions today, especially for Desktop use.  They helped make Linux computing more mainstream with customizations of Debian Linux.  From there, many more distributions emerged for particular use cases and tastes.
Linux Mint Linux Mint happens to be one of the favorite distros of the Cryptocurrency OS Developer, Areeb Yasir, so Linux Mint was the chosen donor to customize into Cryptocurrency OS.
Techrich Corporation For providing resources including the computing and network resources via Cloud Computing in Hong Kong