Welcome to the CryptoCurrency OS. This disc was created to help those who wanted to have a secure wallet(s) for their cryptocurrency but didn't have the technical ability, or time to download or set up your own environments in a secure operating system. You don't have to set up anything on your own, the crypto disc has all that set up in a secure operating system.

The following wallets are all done for you: Bitcoin, Cardano, Digibytes, Dogecoin, EOS, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, NEM, Ripple, Vechain wallets have been all set up and secured in this live disc that is installable for more security.

Below are some screenshots to show how the disc looks and how it may help you to move your crypto from insecure places like Exchanges and hardware wallets into your own control.

Download Link

How To Buy Cryptocurrency








We'd also like to thank the following people, organizations and projects for making CryptocurrencyOS possible!